HELLO! I do miss saying HELLO! to you all in person. Fingers crossed we can meet up soon! (From 'Say Hello Like This', Walker Books UK)

I loved exhibiting work in 2019 in 'Towers and Tales' festival, and 'Babaró'

SUMMER! Time to laze around with a book. (From 'Here Comes Spring', Egmont UK)

ROAR! How very very VERY nice to meet you. (From 'Crocopotamus')

Aren't libraries BRILLIANT? You can borrow books for free, and the librarian LOVES helping you find the ones you want. If you're not a member, join up, it'll be fantastic!

Kindness Day is on February 17th in some places, November 13th in others, and June 10th somewhere else. I bet you're kind every day, though!

Shhh…. goodnight, sleep tight little one…. the third 'like this' book was published in 2015